#Believeinthem #Livethem
Core Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization.
A principle that guides an organization’s internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external world. Core values are usually summarized in the mission statement or in a statement of core values.
To be meaningful and impactful, corporate values should be authentic, reflect the company’s true identity, and convey what sets the company apart from its competition.
The core values of an organization are those values we hold which form the foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves.
A business with good core values will get the respect of its customer and earn their long term respect.
Doing things right when no one is watching you!
A value is a belief that guides your choices and actions; a principle that conveys what is right and what is wrong. In a business context, core values are the highest values that guide a firm’s actions, unite its employees, and define its brand. These guiding principles are typically communicated in writing as a core values statement.
How values shape culture
Clear core values can help an organization hire the right people, dismiss the right people, secure high-value customers, navigate through crises, remain accountable to commitments, and serve stakeholders better.
Establishing strong core values provides both internal and external advantages to the company:
- Core values help companies in the decision-making processes. For example, if one of your core values is to stand behind the quality of your products, any products not reaching the satisfactory standard are automatically eliminated.
- Core values educate clients and potential customers about what the company is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in this competitive world, having a set of specific core values that speak to the public is definitely a competitive advantage.
- Core values are becoming primary recruiting and retention tools. With the ease of researching companies, job seekers are doing their homework on the identities of the companies they are applying for and weighing whether or not these companies hold the values that the job seekers consider as important.
This is why values deserve a central place in how your organization functions.
The CORE VALUES have multiple definitions and each of these define clearly the reason, purpose and objective for core values for any organization.
Every singular behaviour at workplace leads and contributes to the Organizational Culture.

Organizational Culture
The values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization!

Some common Core Values
Self Discipline | Dependability | Reliability | Loyalty |
Commitment | Open-mindedness | Consistency | Honesty |
Efficiency | Innovation | Creativity | Compassion |
Positivity | Optimism | Passion | Respect |
Courage | Perseverance | Customer Centricity | Team Work |
Core Values @ “The Karmic Tree”
The capacity to learn is a Gift;. The ability to learn is a Skill;. The willingness to learn is a Choice!
The miracle is : the more we share – the more we have!
Every move, every step towards winning the trust of our customers!
Accept responsibility for your actions; Be accountable for your results; Take ownership of your mistakes!
Thoughts and action based on strong-values & commitments over any personal gains;
SOMETHING Beyond Work Mantra
Our GREATEST reason for “BEING”
A “SHARED PURPOSE” that bonds us together
#Believeinthem #Livethem